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greater scranton造句

  • "Steamtown is really just the icing on the cake, " said Austin Burke, president of the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce.
  • With translator W289AU on 105.7 FM, WFTE Community Radio broadcasts to around 500, 000 residents in the greater Scranton, PA area.
  • It's that kind of comment that makes Austin Burke, president of the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce, fear that Steamtown is still prey to federal cuts.
  • Others, however, supported the University s Commons plan, including notable organizations and individuals such as the Scranton Times, the Scranton Fire Chief Robert Ruddy, Scranton City Councilman James Doherty, the board of directors of the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce, the Lackawanna County Regional Planning Commission, and ABC local television affiliate WNEP TV-16.
  • It's difficult to see greater scranton in a sentence. 用greater scranton造句挺难的
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